
Sea + Spruce Nutrition

the truth about detox

Published 4 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

I hope you're having a great week so far! I wanted to pop in and share some insight on a topic that tends to be VERY popular this month- detox.

Naturally, after the holidays, with all the different fun foods that are around and maybe a bit more alcohol than normal, many of us may gravitate towards doing a bit of a "reset" especially if we're not feeling our best.

While I totally support something like this if doing it in a balanced way (as long as someone has a healthy mindset and relationship with food going into it), I think many people miss the fact that:

  1. Detoxification is as much about adding specific(see below) nutrient-dense foods and supplements that can open up your detox pathways (that are also personalized to your nutrient levels, genetics, gut health, and toxin exposure) as it is limiting inflammatory foods that your body isn't tolerating well.
  2. There are so many other important strategies for detoxification outside of limiting inflammatory foods/drinks

For example, did you know that cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) both "activate" or induce phase 1 and phase 2 of detoxification(detox actually happens in three phases). But large quantities of other foods/nutrients such as turmeric(curcumin as the therapeutic compound in turmeric) can inhibit that first phase of detoxification (research)?

Also, did you know that you don't have to fast for 16+ hours to get detox benefits? Even just a 12-13 hour nighttime fast can give your liver enough time (after it's done processing your dinner) to "clean house".

These are just a couple fun facts about detoxification, but there are so many others!

That's why I'm actually creating a mini detox program that goes into easy strategies that are more focused on adding foods and helpful habits (vs excessively restricting foods) and I'd love your input:

What's your biggest question as it relates to detoxification? Hit reply to this email with your question(s)!

If you respond to this email with your biggest question(s)-you'll get access to a special presale deal I'm putting together once the mini detox program launches (if you're interested)- it's fairly short and self-guided. I'm also going to be doing some more social media posts and emails about this based on your questions- stay tuned!

In health,

Christina Stapke, RDN, CD

PS- Follow me on instagram if you want to kept in the loop with the educational videos I post!

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